Saturday, June 9, 2007

Grilling in Norway

Last night I was talking with one of my co-workers about weekend plans. We each had other things going on, but decided to go out and cook out last night. So we met up in Oslo to head to an area park and cook dinner.

On our way to the park we stopped off and picked up our groceries. We talked about a few of the differences, and he asked me what size of grills we used. I told him that what ever size was available at the park, or we brought the grill from home. He looked at me kind funny, and asked if we had the disposable kind. I returned his look.

Apparently here in Norway, the parks don't have any grills; which makes some since. No grills - no maintenance, up keep, or replacement costs.

So for about two dollars we got a 8x10 tinfoil pan, with charcoal, grill top, and a stand. I wish I would have known about this last September/October when I was here. It would have been one more option for eating, and it is pretty cheap. Something that is always a bonus in Norway.

Anyway it was fun. The park was very full and it was kind of funny to see everyone facing the same direction. Everyone was facing the sun and watching it, like some sort of deity. We finally left a little after 11 the sun had gone down, but it was still light enough you could read a news paper unassisted.

I'll definitely going to cook out a few more times while I'm here.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon,
My Dad just got back from Stockholm a couple days ago and told me about the long days. Must be pretty cool to read a newspaper at 11pm outside.