Sunday, June 3, 2007

The coolest tool at work

That is a Plasma Cutter, by far the coolest tool/toy/piece of equipment on board our boat. I mean I could spend hours just making big pieces of metal into little pieces of metal. I wish I would have gotten another video of us cutting a 4x8 sheet of stainless steel. It literally is like drawing a hot knife through butter. It is sooooooo cool.

When I was putting together my Christmas idea list 6 months ago, I added a plasma cutter onto the list, half kidding. My mother sees it and promptly asks, "Why do you want a plasma cutter?" I think the video speaks for itself. Or better yet, "Why wouldn't you want a plasma cutter?" I mean other than the $1500+.

Just for a few stats about the video, the chain was a 19mm, or 3/4 in. for those that have problems with the metric system, and the plasma jet is in the ball park of 50,000 F. I've said it once I'll say it again, It is soooooo cool.


Ya, I know I can be a geek sometimes.

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