Sunday, May 20, 2007


But first, just because I know you all were concerned, I figured out my language problem. Some how the language setting got changed to Norwegian. Yes I was right. Just in case it happens to you, at the bottom of the log-in page the fifthword over is language, or the word for language in what ever tongue you have been changed over too. The page you are sent to has all the languages listed, just click English, if you like you can use the UK version, and select save changes.

An additional aside for all of you who have take the S.H.A.P.E. course, I guess I can cross of Interpretation of Tongues of my list of potential Spiritual Gifts.

Now back to the topic at hand, Foosball!!!! With exactly ten days left until crew change the brackets have been set. This time we are having pool play, with the top two teams from the two pools, advancing to the semi-finals. In group A you have myself, the Russian, another American, and two Trinidadians, we'll call T-gun and T-nav. In group B there is the Welshman who lives in Thialand, the Egyptian who lives in the US, one of the Nigerians, and two Norwegians, we'll call the normal one, the other one marbles because he may be missing a few.

The Italian, didn't make it this trip because of a health issue, but is doing better, and the Iranian born Norwegian has voluntarily sat out, to allow the tournament to not have a forgone winner. Both of them really are significantly better than anyone else on board so it will be interesting.

Right now my predictions are that myself and the Welshman are going to win the groups, with maybe the normal Norwegian being the runner up. Groups A's runner up is pretty wide open and I cannot really guess right now. I will keep you informed, as I know you are anxiously awaiting results.

Finally, I was going to paste this clip in yesterday, but do to the language issue I couldn't. You may have seen this, but if not enjoy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon,

Glad to hear you guys are up to your Foosball shananigans again! As always I love seeing the line up. It's like opening night of the Olympics. Good luck to you brother. See you.
