Tuesday, May 29, 2007

And it's over

The tournament ended tonight. I played my semi final against marbles this afternoon and won the series three to one. Definitely a better player than anyone I played up to that point.

Tonight I played the Welshman who beat T-gun in three straight last night. We traded the first two games before he won the third and forth. I had quite the come back going in the third game going from 4-1 to 4-4 before he put the winner away. I graped the fifth game to take it into the sixth. I proceeded to self destruct and scored three of his five goals.

I am extremely frustrated with myself right now. Tomorrow, we are going to play the Norwegian born in Iran, us two against him by himself. Just an exhibition since he is transferring to another vessel, and we cannot let him go undefeated.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

There's some great motivation for ya. Ruining someone else's perfect record. Good Luck!
