Monday, March 5, 2007

Shoveling snow

Watching the weather at the end of the week last week, I was experiencing some mixed feelings. At home you are getting buried in what I can gather was easily the worst storm of the year. When I was home last, it had been very cold, but no snow. Then I leave and it snows! I had wanted to get at least one good storm in this winter. Now I don't really miss the cold, I never really had the body fat to keep myself warm, but I do miss the shoveling of the drive way. Having said that I will probably get all sorts of offers to let me do theirs. I don't like shoveling the drive way either, but I do find it therapeutic. I also, find mowing the lawn therapeutic, but were in winter, talking about snow, and that's another post.

Maybe it is just the endorphins talking, but I always really feel good after shoveling a good snow fall. Not one of those little ones where you scrape it of in ten minutes, and the neighbor breaks out his $1500 snow blower because, "I paid for it, I going to use it." But, a good four inches is nice, something where you can get a little workout in.

I also enjoy the uninterrupted chance to think. Even if someone else is helping out they really don't want to be out there either so they aren't going to try and hold a conversation. OK, occasionally a conversation will be held but only on the lighter jobs or when you get to the end of the drive way and your right next to each other.

Enjoy the snow,

Gulf of Mexico where its 75 degrees, sunny, with the occasional breeze.

Not that I'm rubbing it in.


Anonymous said...

Great to see you blogging Jon. I actually like shoveling too. However, you can come mow my lawn anytime brother! It was a sweet storm. Sorry you missed it. Hey I'd like to see a blog about the ship you're on with pictures and everything.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog! Dev must have linked it to ours. I look forward to reading about your adventures, Jon. See you soon...