Friday, March 16, 2007


It is very early Saturday morning and since it is Saturday we are officially into Nomores. Today is the last Saturday on board so "no more Saturdays" and it will continue for the rest of the week.

I did get some news today. I won't call it good news or bad it just is news. I am having a scheduling change so I will be coming back to MN on Friday instead of heading to the office like I had planned. I will admit I have my reasons, for this being what I would call really good news, but it is tempered by the fact that in three weeks when I do head into the office, it will be office, boat, office meaning I have an 11 week trip instead of a normal 8 week trip. I don't let realizations like that get me down it just I tend to try to keep things on an even keel, and not have a bunch of emotional mood swings. I am a T after all.

I have thought about switching my schedule to boat, break, office, but I think I will wait until July to make that switch. There is only one reason why I am waiting and that is June 16th. I am going to be running my second marathon on that day in Norway, and by not switching the schedule, I will have been in Norway for two weeks. Plenty of time to get adjusted to the time change, and get used to running at night. Not that it is dark at night in Norway at that time of year.

Anyway, by this time next week I will be home. As Homer would say, "Woo Hoo!!!!" And about the up coming 11 week trip? As Homer would also say, "I said, Woo Hoo."


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