Saturday, July 21, 2007

Food at Sea

Sorry it has been awhile, but I actually have been pretty busy. Since my last entry, I have gone to Kristiansund for a small boat course and the weather was absolutely beautiful. Some friends of mine that went the week before apparently had at least half and hour of hail every day. What do you expect at 400 miles south of the Arctic Circle. I also went home for a way to short break, came back to the boat early. Then once on board pulled all of the gear in, went to Mexico, cleared customs, and then but all the gear back out.

Enough of my excuses, on to the actual post.

I have occasionally been asked what the food is like out here. It is generally the same fair everyday, and since I am on the noon to mid-night shift, I eat lunch and dinner - it is pretty close to the same thing served for both meals. Fish then either chicken, beef, or lamb. A pasta and always chips, or to us Americans, "French Fries". There are a few other choices but tend to vary some. The big occurrence is Saturday night, which is Steak night. Steak night helps us keep track of the weeks.

Have you ever seen the Bill Murray movie "Groundhog Day"? It's not a comedy, it's a horror movie, that I call work.

Anyway today is Saturday so we are expecting our steak at dinner, but the Steward gave us a curve ball, he served Beef Wellington instead. His version, and I say that because I don't know what is proper Beef Wellington is, was basically a steak with some mushrooms wrapped in a flaky crust, kinda like a pie crust. He also made up a mushroom sauce, think gravy, to be served with it. I really enjoyed it, and the broccoli wasn't all mushy either. As negative as I may have made the meals sound earlier, the Steward and his crew are really doing a great job this trip. Just when you are starting to dread having to select from the same menu he comes up with something special.
